BLatSD;585231 Wrote: 
> ..........
> If the solutions are outside of the realm of technical, then at least
> more than a little moral support from my "neighbors" would not only be
> appreciated, but might actually go some distance towards convincing
> Logitech to resolve some of these problems.  (And to be fair, some of
> you have offered that kind of moral support in this topic while others
> are just out to have a war with words.)  What kind of neighbors are we?
> My problem is with the RADIO not with YOU! So why have YOU made it
> about ME (or oxdeadbeef, or whomever)?  Where along the line did you
> connect those dots?....

The solution is OUTSIDE of the realm of this forum.
We "neighbors" have tried politely and repeatedly to inform you and Ox
of this.
We "neighbors" respond to the initial posts with "have you tried...",
"have you contacted support...", or "yeah, that's broke, and there is
nothing we can do for you..." or "vote for this bug...."
And the big one (after numerous posts about the same issues in the
wrong forum for issues which cannot be resolved in here "this is not
the correct forum for your repeated complaints...."
How more neighborly can we be?
Yet some cannot accept this.  Why?  I have no clue.

You have made this about you, your Radio is not posting on here.  :)

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