I just tried this several times, works fine for me.  Note:  I do not use
any WOL if that causes any such confusion for the Radio, I dunno.

Radio on SBS playing music from my library, place Radio into standby
(music stops, clock displayed).
Disconnect my SBS computer from the network, eventually the WiFi icon
correctly turns blue (can't see server), Radio correctly tries to
connect to SBS.

Pushing Home button interrupts the attempted SBS connection (spinny
circle thing), now I can select Switch to MySB, Radio correctly
switches to MySB.

Or selecting Go Home when the Radio gives up trying to connect to SBS
also works.

Or select Internet Radio > *any sub menu* and MySB.com is offered as a
server to connect to, I select MySB.com and Radio connects.

I tried all three of the above, all work fine.  Switching back to SBS
by selecting My Music also works fine.

Sometimes the spinny circle connection attempt can pop up again even
after dismissing it, but it does work as described above, for me
Why you would get "errors" doing this I just don't know.  Can you
freely switch between SBS and MySB numerous times without issue if SBS
is up and running?

I'm on WinXP, SBS 7.5.2

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