I've tried a few scenarios and all of them had the same result:
- alarm set to play radio stream with LMS not available
- alarm set to play music track/playlist with LMS not available
- alarm set to play music track/playlist with music not available

The default backup alarm (Fa Fa Fa) plays in every instance.

However, I noticed two things with this.  It look a little while for
the backup alarm to launch. Under normal circumstances the alarm is
heard when the minute flips over.  With the backup, it took about 20-30
seconds for it to come on.  

More interesting (to me anyway) was the fact that the backup sound came
from the Radio's speaker.  I have a pair of powered computer speakers
plugged into the headphone jack so I can have stereo music.  But when
Fa Fa Fa played, it was from the device itself.  Which lead me to a
final test scenario:
- alarm set to play, speakers plugged in the headphone jack, power to
the speakers turned off, LMS available.

Amazingly, the stream came from the Radio's speakers.  At this point, I
turned off the alarm (at the Radio,) turned on the powered speakers, and
turned on the radio.  And the sound came from the powered speakers.

At least I'll sleep better tonight knowing that if the box where LMS
lives crashes, something will still wake me up.

phred's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=52602
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