Thanks for staying with me on this! I'd really like to find a solution.

bpa wrote: 
> This is truly ancient - it practically has no https support and most
> streams these days start off with a redirect to https.
> Beside poor https support - it poses a security risk with the
> possibility of stuff being inserted into http streams such as in
> metadata (e.g. images which contain malware).

I guess ancient = Beta-1. It appears to be the latest official release,
but I'll try LogitechMediaServer-7.9.2-1562310110.exe

*'Stable release'
*7.7.6 / 'March 29, 2018'
15 months ago

*'Operating system'

*'Preview release'
*7.9.1 Beta / 'April 17, 2018'
14 months ago

I tried 7.9.2. It's -slightly- better, but still not right. Sometimes
presets tune in properly, but mostly >10 seconds or more to start

Also, no difference paying from Favorites vs. Pre-Sets.

bpa wrote: 
> One possibility is when you play via (SBS =
> Squeezeboxserver a precursor to LMS) there is no transcoding so first
> playable stream is played whereas with LMS there is the possibility of
> transcoding so all streams in a playlist. I'll check the URls to see if
> there is https and/or playlist.
> Other possibility is the LMS Setting "Radio Buffer seconds" (In WebUI
> Settings/Advanced/Network) may be set at say 30 whereas the equivalent
> setting on may be set at a lower value 10 - check the
> setting.

LMS buffer was set to 4 seconds. I changed to 3. No discernible change.

Is there a current version of something similar to SoftSqueeze that I
could use for further troubleshooting?

Is there a way to export/save my presets to a file?

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