agbagb wrote: 
> I'm not sure what you meant by someting more recent / modern than an SB
> Radio......  

On one hand, since i upgraded my home wifi with ax standard (or call it
wifi6), it has become quite tricky to connect the SBR, i assume its wifi
card is too old. I managed to find workarounds for that problem.
On the other hand, my SBR is getting old: the main control button seems
to have kinda melt, the power socket is very iffy (and not hifi), tends
to shut down if anything moves or even touches the power cord, the
battery doesn't work anymore, and so on. it's aging.

Sure, i can buy a brand new battery or even a new SBR. I was wondering
if instead of investing again in a product that is too old to connect to
my wifi network "naturally", there was any alternative with more recent
tech inside.

bpa wrote: 
> The question is asked in slightly different forms, each user has a
> different set of priorities. 
> The most recent thread was
> (...)

Thanks for the research!

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