
I have tried to login into the device using clogin, But the user
credentials is not working from the .clogin rc. Please take a look on the
below example.

For Ex:

add user 1x.1x.1x.1x user1
add password 1x.1x.1x.1x         {userpwd}  {$userpwd$}
add method 1x.1x.1x.1x telnet ssh

When we try to execute
> /usr/local/rancid/bin/clogin x.x.x.x
> x.x.x.x
> spawn telnet x.x.x.x
> Trying x.x.x.x...
> Connected to x.x.x.x.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> CC*******************************************
> HostName          : Compiled_hostname
> Hardware          : ABCDE
> IOS version       : Version 12.2(55)EX3
> SettingDate       : 2014/11/11
> ModifyDate        :
> Region            : Global
> Country           : XXXXXX
> Owner             : abc
> *******************************************
> User Access Verification
> Username: rancid
> Password:
Login Invalid

I can see that username which is in ,cloginrc and while executing the
username is diff, it looks like that the username it takes the server
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