I notice your .cloginrc defines “user1” as the login username, but rancid is 
trying with username “rancid” - is it possible there might be another matching 
definition higher in the .cloginrc file, with different credentials?  Rancid 
stops processing at the first possible match.

Also, do you have user1 defined as an account in your AAA servers?  Or with IOS 
version 12.2(55)EX3 this is likely a Catalyst switch – if you don’t have AAA 
servers defined or if they’re offline/unreachable, then is user1 defined in the 
local user database?


From: nandhakumar a <nandhakumar.a0...@gmail.com>
Date: Monday, May 28, 2018 at 12:47 AM
To: <rancid-discuss@shrubbery.net>
Cc: <rancid-discuss-requ...@shrubbery.net>
Subject: [rancid] Cloginrc file is not working


I have tried to login into the device using clogin, But the user credentials is 
not working from the .clogin rc. Please take a look on the below example.

For Ex:

add user 1x.1x.1x.1x user1
add password 1x.1x.1x.1x         {userpwd}  {$userpwd$}
add method 1x.1x.1x.1x telnet ssh

When we try to execute
> /usr/local/rancid/bin/clogin x.x.x.x
> x.x.x.x
> spawn telnet x.x.x.x
> Trying x.x.x.x...
> Connected to x.x.x.x.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> CC*******************************************
> HostName          : Compiled_hostname
> Hardware          : ABCDE
> IOS version       : Version 12.2(55)EX3
> SettingDate       : 2014/11/11
> ModifyDate        :
> Region            : Global
> Country           : XXXXXX
> Owner             : abc
> *******************************************
> User Access Verification
> Username: rancid
> Password:
Login Invalid

I can see that username which is in ,cloginrc and while executing the username 
is diff, it looks like that the username it takes the server credentials.

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