DAri Borneo Online kito baco:

              MONDAY, MAY 15, 2000

              Two deep offshore gas find east of Borneo

              JAKARTA (AFP) - Indonesia's state oil and gas company
Pertamina announced that its
              production sharing contractor Unocal Indonesia, has struck
deep offshore gas in the
              Ganal field off the coast of East Kalimantan.

              The gas was found in the Gula and Gada prospects, Pertamina
said in a press release.
              The two discovery wells -- the Gula 1 and Gada 2 -- are eight
miles (12 km) apart.

              Further drilling will be conducted at the deepest part of
both wells in the hope of
              raising the level of potential gas reserves, Pertamina said

              The finds strengthened the belief that the area known as the
Central Delta Play off the
              coast of East Kalimantan contained a world class gas reserve,
it said.

              Unocal Indonesia, a subsidiary of the US oil and gas company
Unocal Corp., is the
              operator of Ganal field and London-based company Lasmo is
also a production sharing

Mungkin ado rasaki tabukak untuak Mak Montir nan bapangalaman jo Offshore
driilling ko.

Mak Ngah

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