At 8:35 AM +0700 5/27/00, Evi wrote:
>Mak Ngah,
>Malam tadi ambo menyaksikan juo programe live tantang rought draft of
>mapping human genetic  ini  dari CNN. Disana mereka, para scientist itu baru
>bicara tentang menyingkirkan penyakit, tapi tunggu sebentar lagi, mereka
>juga akan bicara tentang mengidentifikasi gen-gen yang membuat kita bisa
>menjadi tua. Dan saya bisa bayangkan euphoria masyarakat dunia kalau
>penemuan ini sudah masuk pasar kosmetik.Yang jelas perusahaan jamu awet muda
>akan gulung tikar.
>Mak Ngah, sekarang serius.
>Kalau mapping DNA ini nanti sudah bisa diaplikasikan bagaimana ya kira-kira
>dampaknya terhadap  peradaban manusia? Manusia tidak hanya awet muda, tapi
>juga tidak mati-mati. Lama-lama bumi ini kan jadi tumpah ruah. Kalau sudah
>demikian mau kemana kita?

Memang agak panjang kaji tu Evi. Indak obeh dek ambo nan ka jawabnyo.
Sadangkan dek mareka ahli-ahli nan manarangkan itu sandiri masih panjang
jalan nan kaditampuah lai. Ambo katehkan nan paliang bawah dari poin-poin
primer nan dibawah ko dari AP  (dikopi panuah saroman sabalunnyo) karano
mungkin banyak gunonyo untuak pangatahuan umum kito basamo labiah-labiah
lai nan sadang bakcimpuang di bidang itu.

 Mak Ngah

 --Even after all of the genes are identified, it will take many years
before science fully learns how to use this new knowledge to
 diagnose illness, to predict the individual genetic tendency toward
illness and to develop and test drugs and other new medical

June 26, 2000

                           Primer on Human Genes

                           Filed at 8:56 p.m. EDT

                           By The Associated Press

                           Competing private and public projects to
sequence and assemble the
                           human genome are essentially complete,
researchers announced on
                           Monday. Here are some facts:

                           --The human genome is the biological instruction
for how an
                           individual is formed and how the cells in the
body function.

                           --There are more than 50,000 genes -- no one
knows exactly how
                           many -- in the human genome.

                           --Only a small percentage of all the genes had
been identified before
                           the mapping projects started.

                           --Except for identical twins, the gene structure
is unique in each

                           --Half the genes in a person come from each parent.

                           --Genes direct the formation, or expression, of
proteins that a cell
                           uses to function, repair or defend itself, and
to divide.

                           --Genes are contained in the chromosomes in the
nucleus of each cell.

                           --There are 22 numbered chromosomes, plus two
that determine
                           gender, X and Y. A female has two X chromosomes,
while a male has an
                           X and a Y.

                           --A human normally has 23 pairs of chromosomes

                           --A complete human genome is contained in coiled
double helixes of
                           DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid. Stretched out,
the coil would be 5 feet
                           long, but only 20 microns wide. A human hair is
about 50 microns

                           --About 3 billion DNA subunits, called base
pairs, make up the double

                           --Base pairs are composed of four types of
chemicals, called
                           nucleotides, that are weakly bonded in pairs to
link the sides of the
                           DNA double helix. The base pairs resemble rungs
in a coiled ladder.

                           --The nucleotides are called adenine, thymine,
cytosine and guanine.
                           They are abbreviated A, T, C and G in the
scientific description of the

                           --The bases form specific nucleotide pairings,
with ``A'' linking only
                           with ``T'', and ``C'' only with ``G''.

                           --Genes can have thousands of base pairs. The
sequence and
                           arrangement of these base pairs create a genetic

                           --Most of the base pairs of DNA between genes
have no known
                           function. These base pairs are commonly referred
to as ``junk DNA.''

                           --Genes give coded instructions to the cell on
how to assemble
                           proteins. Making of a protein from this code is
called ``gene

                           --Many human disorders are caused by genetic
flaws, or by the
                           absence of one or more genes.

                           --Researchers hope to identify all the genes
that play a role in human

                           --Once a gene has been linked to a human
disorder, researchers hope
                           to learn how to manipulate, correct or replace
that flawed gene, or
                           the protein its expresses, in order to treat the

                           --Even after all of the genes are identified, it
will take many years
                           before science fully learns how to use this new
knowledge to
                           diagnose illness, to predict the individual
genetic tendency toward
                           illness and to develop and test drugs and other
new medical

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