Hello All,

Recently I've noticed that our company emails are filtered out as spam.
Customers were desperately waiting for our help, only to discover later
that our reply is in their spam folder :( I wonder how many customers we've
lost due to that unfortunate thing!

So, after some investigation, I've found that email gets a 100 cf score
from Razor2 (e8) engine when a link to our web site is encountered in the
email. We have this link in the signature, so all our emails are filtered

For now I've changed signature link to point to another domain, but I would
like to resolve this situation. So far I was planning to do the following:

1) report all the SPAM I have as a spam with "razor-report"
2) revoke all non-SPAM mail I have (from my inbox) with "razor-revoke"

I wonder if this would help? Are there other ways to revoke an URL? What
would you advise?

The domain in question is "subgit.com", I hope mentioning the name only,
would not cause this very email to be filtered out.

Alexander Kitaev,
TMate Software,
http://tmatesoft.com/ - Svn to Git Migration!
http://svnkit.com/ - Java [Sub]Versioning Library!
http://hg4j.com/ - Java Mercurial Library!
http://sqljet.com/ - Java SQLite Library!
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