
I easily get numb feet when the pedal pressure hits too far forward on
the ball of my foot and my foot is restrained by some sort of
retainer. This happens with Power Grips, clipless pedals or toe clips
and straps. I've toured for almost 2,000 miles with Power Grips on MKS
touring pedals, and, with the straps snug, but not tight, I've been
very comfortable. I also commute in regular street shoes on "bear
trap" pedals without retainers with no issues. And, I've dialed in my
clipless pedals with the cleat as far back as it will go - I'm usually
numbness free with that set-up as well, during countless miles touring
and training.

If you've found a pedal system that allows you to pedal without
numbness, why change the system? Instead, you might try reducing the
spring tension on your clipless pedals so they release more easily. I
know a couple of riders who have had similar concerns to yours
(falling over while clipped). Interestingly, they also had never
actually had it happen to them! I reduced the spring tension on their
pedals, as I've suggested to you. But, in the end, both solved their
concern in different ways. One decided that he wasn't willing to give
up the perceived efficiency of clipless and he has improved his riding
skills to the point where he no longer fears falling over. The other
rider (my wife) begrudgingly switched to power grips and touring
pedals and has discovered that she loves them! She found, as have I,
that the Power Grip set-up combines pedaling efficiency with an easy
release, the ability to wear "normal" shoes, and the ability to change
up foot position over a long ride. I'll note here that both of the
riders are middle-aged, fit, high mileage riders. One was able to get
over his fear of falling and the other wasn't.

I hope that helps.


On Dec 15, 7:26 am, Steve Wimberg <> wrote:
> I would like to get some feedback from the group regarding Grip King  
> pedals and their ability to eliminate numb feet on long rides.
> I started using clipless pedals about a year ago after my rides  
> started increasing in length, and numbness in my feet became a  
> problem.  I had been using MKS touring pedals, and really can't use  
> those on rides over 30 miles or so.  The switch was extremely  
> successful in keeping my feet from going numb, and I like riding with  
> the clipless, in general.  However, I have found that I get a little  
> uncomfortable being clipped in when going up steep hills.  It's always  
> in the back of my mind that if I need to bail out because I can't  
> pedal anymore, it's gonna be difficult because I'm clipped in.  
> Granted, this hasn't happened yet, but why have the anxiety if I don't  
> have to?
> This is where the Grip Kings come in.  I am hopeful that the increased  
> surface area of the pedal will spread the weight out over the bottom  
> of my foot enough to keep the numbness at bay.  Does anyone have any  
> thoughts on this?  Has anyone had numb feet problems and had them  
> relieved by using the Grip Kings?
> Like I said, I like the clipless pedals, but am willing to give up  
> some of the things I like about them in order to gain a little piece  
> of mind.
> Thanks,
> Steve


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