Good points. There's no doubt that the gearing was not ideal; 66" is just
too high, even when I'm in better climbing shape, though when I am, it's
pretty easy, and though I have climbed i 10 gi higher. But 60" would be
pretty well matched to the hill when I'm hill fit -- I can sit and turn.
But again, I like standing and climbing.

I actually felt pretty good, given that I hadn't climbed a hill to speak of
for a couple of months.

I've ridden the hill many times; just not recently!

I recall how, as a young 30/40-something, I'd pass roadies on hills while
riding my mountain bike. Well, 20 years later, guess who gets passed!

Really, I'm just chuffed that I made it without suffering too much, given
my shape. It was fun even at 9 mph!

On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Ian A <> wrote:

> Three things to contemplate:
> 1) Gearing on the climb might not have been ideal
> 2) You mention feeling not being in peak shape, but some days climbing is
> just easier. The right breakfast and hydration makes a massive difference
> for example.
> 3) How many times have you ridden that hill? I find it takes a while to
> learn a hill and its "release points", where it looks as steep, but has
> actually leveled a touch. The other riders might do that hill a lot. I've
> surprised roadies by passing them uphill on my grocery getter, but only
> because I know the hill.
> IanA
> On Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 4:56:02 PM UTC-6, Patrick Moore wrote:
>> While Catie was skating this afternoon at The Outpost, the rink at the
>> top of Tramway hill, I took the '99 (18th birthday later this month! How
>> time flies!) gofast west down the hill to the 4 mile point -- where the
>> 2-lane becomes a dual carriageway; pushing back against the 76" gear to
>> keep speed in check -- it gets ahead of you even with the strong,
>> prevailing westerlies; crossed over, switched to the 66", and ground my way
>> back up. I'm out of shape, or at least, out of hill-shape, since I live on
>> the Westside and generally ride N-S, which is along the river, and flat.
>> *And* I just turned 62, which I am sure gives me all sorts of excuses
>> for all sorts of things.
>> I alternated sitting and standing; when sitting, pulling up
>> conscientiously to help my alternate knee, but stood for most of the 1-2
>> mile long steeper section, so that overall, I climbed in equal amounts of
>> sitting and standing. Standing would have been easier in the higher gear,
>> but sitting would very definitely not have been. I added a couple of miles
>> at the end to bring the total to 10 and change.
>> I thought to myself while climbing: Old school rider, wool and steel and
>> leather, Bianchi/Coppi retrohat (twee, I know), doing pretty well for an
>> old person who hasn't climbed a decent hill in a couple of months.
>> But, Oh, no, not at all. First a young 40 something on carbon fiber
>> breezed passed me turning away at 80-90 rpm; and he was a good half mile or
>> more ahead by the time I got to the top.
>> Then, even more distressing, a white-haired man* on an old steel classic
>> powered past me, "chuff, chuff, chuff" went his breathing; he slowed and
>> stood on the steepest section and I had hopes but no, off he twiddled once
>> the slope slackened.
>> * White haired, but I'll bet he was only a 50-something, the young
>> upstart. Sheesh!
>> But I made it.
>> Seriously, I really like climbing, though I'd rather be in better shape.
>> Frankly, I enjoyed the uphill as much or more than the downhill, though on
>> the steepest section I was beginning to entertain thoughts of stopping to
>> admire the view.
>> After that excessively long and self-indulgently personal windup, here
>> comes the question. Does anyone know of a link that takes you to average
>> climbing speeds in the big races, over the years, so that you can compare
>> say, Romain Maes with Gino with Jacques with Eddy with le Blaireau with Big
>> Mig with the more recent fellows whom I have not troubled to follow? IOW,
>> did climbing speeds climb when multispeed, on-bike-shifted gearing systems
>> were allowed into the peloton and, further, as these were refined?
>> (I have a very interesting book the official centennial history of the
>> Tour de France, with a chapter giving the highlights of each year from 1903
>> to 2003. Text is largely cribbed from contemporary news copy. There's an
>> interesting account from the 1937 (?) Tour, the first where derailleurs
>> were allowed, describing the team director leaning out of the window of his
>> Peugeot or whatever and shouting, as the terrain changed, "17! 15! 16! 14!"
>> -- telling his neophyte shifters what gear to use. Anyway.)
>> --
>> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
>> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
>> Other professional writing services.
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nouvelle Mexique,  Vereinigte Staaten
>> ************************************************************
>> ****************************
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Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
Other professional writing services.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nouvelle Mexique,  Vereinigte Staaten

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