I often shop by bike at an Albertson's precisely 1/4 mile door to door by
bike, not merely because the rt is perhaps 3 minutes shorter (it's only .15
mile by foot if I cut across the fitness center parking lot) but because
it's easier to carry 30 lbs home in panniers than by hand, even for .15
mile, especially when your load includes bulky and heavy items. But I do
try to walk just because walking is healthy. (My other "main" grocery
stores are 2 Sprouts, 1 North at least 5.5 miles away through I often use
detours, and 1 South 8/10 mile away, though I usually turn that into an at
least 10-mile rt by riding a loop Northward and then doubling back on the
RG recreational trail.)

BTW, for a capacious pannier that folds up discretely, the Brooks Brick
Lane pannier pair that I recently acquired works very well, tho' you need
to stiffen the inside bottoms if your rack does not have wide-spaced legs
on each side to keep the bag from the spokes. I installed ~5" corroplast
stiffeners which of course prevent the bags from rolling up, but I may
replace the coroplast with 1" aluminum strip.

On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 5:03 PM Roberta <rchas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't do too many grocery runs by bike anymore, since I can go to a
> selection of stores within 1/2 mile, so a walk with backpack is fine.
> Still,  I'm set up like Carolyn, with basket on rack and panniers if I need
> more space.  I found that I don't like to be too unequal with weight when
> hauling.
> However, when I did use my bike for rides to the co-op, I had collapsible
> Wald rear panniers and loved them.  Not in the way when not needed, there
> when I do!  No one was going to steal them off my bike either, so I was
> always prepared.  I think I still have them, so if anyone wants them, let
> me know and I'll check my stash.
> Roberta

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