I just saw Macbeth, too.
"Out, damned spot (of Vivian-handling)!"

On Sep 3, 4:24 am, jamison brosseau <jamison.bross...@gmail.com>
> its funny those little differences.  In fact My AHH was delivered to
> me by Vivian, my at home ups driver, as was my atlantis, and my
> bombadil i received at work, so keith my at work ups driver delivered
> that bike.  Keith is Vivians immediate boss, and all around he is a
> better driver than vivian, i suppose that is why he is the shift
> leader.
> anyway, seeing as how keith is better than vivian it makes sense that
> the bombadil is a better bike, i just enjoy it more knowing it was in
> the caring hands of keith, while the ahh and atlantis both seem
> tainted to me as they were temporarily cared for by Vivian.  in two
> seconds im going to get on my ahh and ride to work,  i dread the
> moment i have to swing my leg over a bike delivered by an inferior ups
> driver, i mean i could have just had it delivered to work, and then
> maybe i would have enjoyed it some.  i guess im just a self loather.
> what should i do, maybe i should stop concentrating on the minute
> differences and just ride my bike they are all rivendells and are
> supposed to have excellent handling attention to detail and a great
> ride.  or perhaps i should further differentiate my bikes from those
> around me, convincing myself of their superiority or in the vivian's
> bikes cases inferiority.  perhaps i can come up with some syllogisms
> (sp)
> bikes made in wisconsin are superior to bikes made in japan
> my bikes are made in wisconsin
> my bikes are superor
> sorry vivian,
> jamison brosseau
> On Sep 2, 10:06 pm, Rene Sterental <orthie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I will agree that the diagonal tube has always "puzzled" me and I didn't
> > like the fact that it wasn't going all the way to the rear dropouts. On
> > Monday, when I went to pick up the Betty I saw the unpainted prototype up
> > close with wheels on. It has more clearance than the Bombadil so the Big
> > Apples 2.3 didn't seem like they were too close to the seat stays. I can't
> > say that I really like it, but I can't say that I really dislike it either.
> > With the Bombadil I had no trouble getting used to the double top tubes and
> > found them really handy to lift the bike into/out of the train. I imagine
> > the diagonal tube can help in the same manner.
> > I don't really like the gray color either, I somehow think that the
> > Rivendells shine in the more pastel colors. I am blown away by the Waterford
> > AHH blue and the Waterford Atlantis green. I was able to compare side by
> > side on the train a Toyo Atlantis against mine, and while not as different
> > as the AHH blue, the Waterford is still more "creamy" and has the same
> > feeling of magic depth that the Waterford blue has for me. The gray
> > definitely doesn't do it for me. :-)
> > I think that with my current stable I'm set for a very long time (Homer,
> > Altantis & Betty) so I'll be watching the evolution of the Rivendell frames
> > for the time being.
> > One thing is for sure... no one can stay indifferent to the Rivendell bikes!
> > René

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