I like bikes that ride differently. I like my front loader, I like my Saluki, I 
love my Riv custom.
Not one of them rides like the other. All of then are fun. Shoot, I even like 
my Madone though
I haven't ridden it in more than a year.
For me it's a gestalt thing (to steal an R.Sach's perspective).
On Nov 24, 2011, at 9:19 AM, Kelly Sleeper wrote:

> It really isn't low trail against every other trail.  Yet you couldn't tell 
> that from this thread. Down the line there are nothing but excuses and 
> defiance of the experience of others.   
> Many say their bikes ride great with medium to high trail and have no issues 
> with front loads... Oh that's because you don't know ...  
> The low trail (extra low) road bad at low speeds and bad at high speeds but I 
> got used to it.   
> The high trail is unnoticeable with front load... low trail folks yell... but 
> if you ride low trail bike it's much better you just don't know it because 
> you are used to  it.   
> Sheesh sounds like politicians.. no matter what low trail is the only way to 
> go... now it's ohhhhhh  saddle bags and rear loads are bad too.. if loose and 
> you are sprinting, climbing blah blah and throwing the bike side to side ... 
> throw a loose load on the front and throw the bike side to side...  hell put 
> a big loose load anywhere and throw it side to side... ohhh wait you'll get 
> used to it.
> Kinda of reminds me of the cheating husband to his wife... "are you going to 
> believe me or your lying eyes"    
> The truth is some people prefer the handling of low trail bike and others 
> medium and other high and some in-between...   some want to take the way they 
> ride and tweak trail, weight load, handlebar height, stem length, body 
> weight, arm length, shoe size, and run formulas. Then there is a new racers 
> (oh sorry randonneurs) routine to ride a bike... weight front bag, banana, 
> nuts, rain coat... place 2 lbs packages at 10 mile intervals incase it rains 
> and I need to replace weight of rain gear in front rack along the way.. 
> (after all optimal performance on this bike is with 12.7779076 lbs front)    
> Get the air pressure to exactly 40.1155576 lbs  (new electronic air 
> monitoring for tires will be out next year to update your home computer that 
> will send snmp traps to you via email in case of fluctuation about 2.3357%)   
> Ok... check.. I can ride my bike now and carve turns and feel like a really 
> good race bike.... 
> No Thank You.. I purchased a Rivendell as it handles front loads, rear loads, 
> front and rear loads and doesn't need a load to feel great..   I check the 
> tires once a week.. and carry what I need as an all around bicycle... I 
> change handle bars, tires, bags etc often .. then join a Rivendell Owners 
> group on the web to discuss and explore the wonderful uses of it..   only to 
> have to defend not the bike but my own experience as someone else decides 
> unilaterally that since they don't feel the same way I'm wrong... and no 
> evidence from anyone is valid...they are just used to it and don't know.
> I'm sarcastic blunt and things make sense or they don't.   Low trail sounds 
> great the way Jan did it .. built the bike to be a performance (race machine) 
> for a specific purpose.. He loves it.  The bikes are beautiful and I'm sure 
> they  ride great and people get used to them just as "Most" bikes ride 
> wonderfully and people get used to them.   After all they are bicycles....  
> After all from the vast difference of experiences and not just opinions it's 
> obvious that it's not "just a trail thing".  It's also true that there are 
> trade offs in bike design.  It may be true that low trail bikes with  xyz 
> handle a front load of x better than bike z with x amount of load at frame 
> size k rider weight L and front to rear load weight M under N amount of 
> power.  It's not the answer to all loads though and writing off others 
> experience is just tiring at best.
> Don't tell low trail bike owners they have a nice bike either... they know it 
> already.. you were just to dumb to figure it out as quickly as they did.  
> Guess we only need one bike geometry after all.
> FYI:  this is not a personal attack on anyone no matter how much you may want 
> to try and feel it is.  Also no single sentence by itself above stands 
> alone.. overall this is just stating in a sarcastic but honest statement of 
> opinion based perceptions.. so far in this thread and others.  It also goes 
> back to my original notice to the original poster that I disagree with the 
> instant assertion that front loads are bad for all but bike X because your 
> bike can't handle it BS!   Mine and others experience and knowledge of how 
> our bikes handle are just as valid as others opinions.   I don't argue or 
> believe my bike is better than yours except for me, that is the same respect 
> I expect / demand from you.  If not I am sarcastic enough and a big enough 
> asshole to be as obnoxious and oblivious to the truth as anyone just not as 
> eloquent. 
> Your friendly bear in the china shop
> Kelly
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