What he said......

On Nov 24, 2011, at 1:23 PM, David Faller wrote:

>> . I purchased a Rivendell as it handles front loads, rear loads, front and 
>> rear loads and doesn't need a load to feel great..   I check the tires once 
>> a week.. and carry what I need as an all around bicycle... I change handle 
>> bars, tires, bags etc often .. then join a Rivendell Owners group on the web 
>> to discuss and explore the wonderful uses of it..   only to have to defend 
>> not the bike but my own experience as someone else decides unilaterally that 
>> since they don't feel the same way I'm wrong... and no evidence from anyone 
>> is valid...they are just used to it and don't know.
>> I'm sarcastic blunt and things make sense or they don't.   Low trail sounds 
>> great the way Jan did it .. built the bike to be a performance (race 
>> machine) for a specific purpose.. He loves it.  The bikes are beautiful and 
>> I'm sure they  ride great and people get used to them just as "Most" bikes 
>> ride wonderfully and people get used to them.   After all they are 
>> bicycles....  After all from the vast difference of experiences and not just 
>> opinions it's obvious that it's not "just a trail thing".  It's also true 
>> that there are trade offs in bike design.  It may be true that low trail 
>> bikes with  xyz handle a front load of x better than bike z with x amount of 
>> load at frame size k rider weight L and front to rear load weight M under N 
>> amount of power.  It's not the answer to all loads though and writing off 
>> others experience is just tiring at best.
>> Don't tell low trail bike owners they have a nice bike either... they know 
>> it already.. you were just to dumb to figure it out as quickly as they did.  
>> Guess we only need one bike geometry after all.
>> FYI:  this is not a personal attack on anyone no matter how much you may 
>> want to try and feel it is.  Also no single sentence by itself above stands 
>> alone.. overall this is just stating in a sarcastic but honest statement of 
>> opinion based perceptions.. so far in this thread and others.  It also goes 
>> back to my original notice to the original poster that I disagree with the 
>> instant assertion that front loads are bad for all but bike X because your 
>> bike can't handle it BS!   Mine and others experience and knowledge of how 
>> our bikes handle are just as valid as others opinions.   I don't argue or 
>> believe my bike is better than yours except for me, that is the same respect 
>> I expect / demand from you.  If not I am sarcastic enough and a big enough 
>> asshole to be as obnoxious and oblivious to the truth as anyone just not as 
>> eloquent.

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