How will it work as far as... do people specifically have to check the 
calendar to see what rides are coming up? If I post (or email one of the 
mods to post) a PDX Riv ride for the first Saturday in April, do PDX area 
Riv-sters who are on the list have to take the additional step of going to 
the calendar to find out about the ride? Will rides just end up getting 
duo-posted... to the list and to the calendar? 
I don't mean this as a complaint at all... just an observation... This 
seems like one of those situations where a forum format with different 
categories (Riding Partners, Riv Wrenching, Ride Reports, FS/WTB, etc) 
could be more user friendly.

On Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:00:10 PM UTC-8, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
> The recent thread about the upcoming Ventura SoCal Riv Riders ride finally 
> sparked something in my brain, and I realized that it might make some sense 
> for a general calendar of RBW-Oriented rides which take place.  I'm not 
> sure if we tried this before, but with the newer Google Calendar, it has 
> some options which may make it easier.  So....
> *
> or
> **
> *This can be added to your google calendar (which of course can be 
> integrated with your clever phone or keyboardless computer), or just 
> accessed through the permalink above.  Also, I've embedded the calendar on 
> the bottom of my blog - 
> I've deputized a few list members (ones who have posted rides) - well... 
> "shanghai'd" might be more appropriate - so I'll wait until they confirm 
> back to me before publicly sharing their identities.    If you have a 
> RBW-friendly ride you would like to put on, pop me an email and I'll either 
> give you posting access or steer you towards someone who does.  
> It probably makes sense to have a general "perspective" about such rides, 
> rather than specific rules.  Entmoots, Mixed-Terrain, Caffenneurring, 
> Errandonnee, S24O's, etc.  Big Organized Rides like Levi's Gran Fondo, 
> Certain Centuries probably don't need to be emphasized here, but if a gang 
> of twin-top-tubed, fendered-and-racked RBW enthusiasts wanted to meet at a 
> specific place and time on one of those rides, it seems like they should be 
> able to give a shout with details. 
> I'll look into having this accessible via the GooGroups page, but at first 
> glance, it was not obvious.  Will advise.  
> open to refinements and tweaks, of course!
> - J / / list admin

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