The thread asking about computers got me thinking -- I bet there are others 
here who intentionally do not ride with a computer. I was curious your 
experiences. Here are mineā€¦

I ride without a computer. Why? Because I am too stupid to control the gadget 
rather than unwittingly allowing the gadget control me. For instance, rather 
than riding to effort, I found I rode to speed. It is much, much harder to 
listen to my body and what it needs with the allure of the utterly irrelevant 
speed number out in front of me. So, like an idiot, I try and keep a certain 
speed going up a hill or on a flat or in a headwind, rather than sensibly 
listening to my body and pedaling at a consistent effort.

The idea here is that horses and other animal powered locomotion go by effort. 
They go slower up hills and in headwinds and with heavy loads. But I think my 
mindset living with a car and driving one for so many years became based on 
speed. I'm going 75 on the highway and sure there is a hill here, so I put the 
gas pedal down and maintain 75. This mentality ended up driving my cycling 
experience when I had a computer in front of me. I know it's idiotic, but there 
you are. WIth that number out there my mind could not let go the idea that I 
should maintain speed. But that is no fun (unless I choose it). So back in my 
pre-Riv days, when I rode a recumbent trike, I ditched the computer and have 
been much happier ever sense.

I don't track or log milage, times or any other data (I don't for running 
either). I use maps (including my iPhone) for navigation, and that's it. No 
computer, for me, makes it much easier to "Just Ride."

With abandon,

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