I agree. We are swimming against the tide.

Marilyn Montalvo
Head Technical Services Dept.
Library System
University of
Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus

> Every time I see a
discussion about how hard FRBR is to understand (which
> it is),
how difficult the RDA Toolkit is to use (which it is), and the
fact that RDA will actually increase the amount of work we have to do
> each bibliographic record (which it does), I get more and
> discouraged.  Cataloging as a profession has been gasping
for breath.  It
> desperately needed to become simpler, more
transparent, and more
> attractive to library school students,
easier for management to
> understand.  Instead, it seems to me
that the opposite is happening, and
> at the worst possible time. 
It seems to me that our leaders are taking us
> over a cliff, and
they keep explaining to us why what they're doing is
> very, very
important, as we're plummeting to the ground.
> This is my own
personal opinion as someone who has been cataloging for
> twenty
years -- not that of my employer.
> Billie Hackney
> Senior Monograph Cataloger
> Getty
Research Institute
> 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688
> (310) 440-7616

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