On 8/5/11 at 2:16 PM, Karen Coyle wrote in part:

"But the fact is that we can only work  with the data we have in our 
bibliographic records regardless of what data *possibilities* there are in the 
MARC record. I believe this is indisputable."

I like this.  I just hope that this indisputable fact begins to register with 
the admin folk who make budget and staffing decisions - - often, it seems to 
me, they ignore the simple fact that if no one creates metadata, then the shiny 
"discovery" interface only appears to be aiding our patrons because it's built 
over a shallow/poor resource.  We should talk much less (in other professional 
areas) about baseline/standard records and more about enriched and quality 



Daniel CannCasciato
Head of Cataloging
Central Washington University Brooks Library
Ellensburg, WA
"We offer solid services that people need, and we do so wearing sensible 
shoes." -- MT

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