Heidrun said:

>Then something similar could be used to catch the primary/secondary 
>aspect in augmentations ...

Are we using primary/secondary in two ways?  That is, to refer to the
aggregate (e.g., conference proceedings vs. a paper in the
proceedings), and to a basic work and its added bits (e.g., the
preface, introduction, bibliography, and index in a particular

These seem two very different things to me, and are certainly
considered so by our clients.  Some get 505 and perhaps 7XX; others
get their own records.

This is all very theoretical in the midst of dealing with the needs of
a new e-publisher client, who doesn't know what a MARC/AACR2 record
is, only that their library clients want those records.

I can see a library purchasing a particular chapter.  But would a
library ever purchase a preface, introduction, bibliography, or index
apart from the whole e-book?  I feel guilty charging to create records
for those.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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