The Monday grump wrote:

> If we are to align our cataloging rules to the
> display capability of online systems, we will have an even more dizzying
> area of localized standards. I, for one, do not want to see the ExLibris
> Aleph v20 Policy Decisions published, followed by the III Milennium Rule
> Interpretations, et al.
> In a Monday grump,
> Naomi Young

Oh so true!

It's precisely because of the lack of display standards that RDA is really 
important.  If we can't get the displays standardized, maybe it's because the 
DATA aren't standardized.  If we don't have standard data, there's no way we'll 
be able to get standard displays.  (Yes, ISBD does attempt to standardize both; 
but it's woefully short on standardizing the data, and the battle for using it 
to standardize displays was lost a long time ago.)  AACR2 is nowhere near being 
a standard for data.  And MARC in its current form has way too many ambiguous 

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Northwestern University Library
(847) 491-2939

Proudly wearing the sensible shoes since 1978!

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