John Williams said:

>I think that in 10 years time a scholar looking for materials on Italian
>politics would very much like to know if a book had been published in 2013
>or 2014.
SLC agrees with the various guidelines (LC, PCC) that one should use
the single year in 008 and 26X as on the item.  We consider the book
to be published when the publisher said it was, and the item received
before January to be an early release, common for review copies.  We
should describe items as they present themselves.

Remember the flap when some libraries who had advance copies of a
Harry Potter, allowed people to see them in advance?
If one wishes to be "nasty nice"m and indicate in a note when the item
was available to some, no problem.  To repeat, he description should
represent the item as the publisher describes it.  That seems the
clear intent of RDA, which even has typos transcribed as found. with
no correction in the discription. only in a note.

The time to use publication and copyright years in 260$c, or copyright
year in 264 4 $c, is when a later publication year appears on the

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
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