Heidrun Wiesenmüller <wiesenmuel...@hdm-stuttgart.de> wrote:

> But be that as it may: There is indeed an example for a grammatically
> incomplete s-o-r in the ISBD (which was news to me), and this must give us
> cause to think again (although of course we know that RDA deviates from the
> ISBD sometimes).

There is also this instruction to consider under ISBD A.3.2.9: "When a
single statement (e.g. a statement of responsibility) is given partly in
one language or script and partly in more than one language or script, the
several linguistic forms are transcribed together; equals signs or other
punctuation symbols are used as appropriate."

>  Also, I believe there is no counterpart for RDA 1.7.7 in the ISBD (at
> least I couldn't find one in the general chapter).

I had no luck too.  ISBD describes transcribing titles "exactly as
to wording," so there is likely no equivalent to RDA 1.7.7 to be found

Mark K. Ehlert

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