Judy said:

>The 4th paragraph of RDA 9.0 indicates that the scope of *person* in RDA
>includes "fictitious entities, such as literary figures, legendary figures,
>... if the fictitious entity's role is only as subject of the resource, 
>the RDA instructions do not apply.

I find this exception impossible t apply.  If the fictitious character
is establihed as an RDA/MARC authority 100, how could you code the
character as 650 in a particular bibliographic record?  For one thing,
would it verify?

The factitious character's relation to one work might differ from that
to another.  Is the person to be coded differently in different
records?  Or is coding in all records controlled by the authority
coding?   What if a character's relationship is different for a
publication after the authority is established>

Seems to me if persons are to be treated as persons, it should be all
the time, and all persons.  I include Geronimo Chilton.

Am I correct to assume God should now be 100/600 as opposed to 150/650?

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
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