Just to clarify, our MARC Bib records are not strictly Manifestation
records, they are compilations of Manifestation data + Work data +
Expression data crammed into  single record. Unfortunate, but what we are
stuck with for the time being. A change in Expression data in a MARC Bib
record means a change in Expression when we get the data out of MARC and
into ... whatever. 

RDA thinking is not the same as AACR thinking, and we have to learn to think
RDA if we are making RDA records. If we don't want to think RDA, then no one
is stopping us from continuing to make AACR records, but we cannot make RDA
records using AACR thinking.

I agree that we cannot expect uniformity in this learning period, but that
does not mean that we should not strive for it wherever possible.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
Deborah Fritz
TMQ, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: J. McRee Elrod [mailto:m...@slc.bc.ca] 
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:02 PM
To: debo...@marcofquality.com
Cc: RDA-L@listserv.lac-bac.gc.ca
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Recording alternate content and physical forms --

Deborah Fritzs said:

>In the meantime, if we are making RDA records, then we have to use the 
>RDA elements in the way that RDA defines them; just as we have to (if 
>only it were true) use MARC elements the way that MARC defines those

RDA has so many options, and so many fuzzy directions, that we will not have
uniformity.  As you said, we are now only doing manifestation frecords.
There will be many versions of what is "correct". When in doubt, the litmus
should be what assists patrons.  This may mean for example  300  $a1 board
book (12 unnumbered pages)... to get that information in brief display,
and/or a summary specific to the edition (aka instance, manifestation).  

For decades SLC has used AACR2 by analogy in this way, and one by one the
things we did at client request made it into AACR2 rule revisions (or in the
case of producer of unpublished material, into RDA).  I suspect the same
will happen with RDA.  In the meantime, we should not hamper our patrons
because of rule lacuna.

I suspect it will be worse with Bibframe, in that ambiguity of language
muddies the meaning of tags.  

For example "bf:]ublisherdescription":  if the tag refers to
abstract/summary, librarians have not thought of that as "description"; by
"description"  we mean the transcribed elements (MARC 2XX-4XX). These
abstracts/summaries come from many sources other than publishers (as another
poster has pointed out).  Are we to have a tag for each source?  Many of our
DVD 520s come from IMDb.  Will we have a tag for them if "who" is important?
The way MARC handles source in many field is a subfield source code; in
quoted 5XX it is
dash (two hyphens) and source.   The source is not incorporated into
the tag.

This bf tag is unfortunate in both of the words chosen; there are many
abstract/summary sources other than publisher, and the abstract/summary is
not what we understand by "description".  The tag should be
"bf:abstractsummary", with a means of recording source if wished.  

We do ourselves no favours by repurposing words.  (I seem to recall having
this conversation with neo orthodox theologians decades ago; what is said is
not what is heard.)

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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