Heidrun said:

>I'm afraid Mac and I will have to live with this disagreement then, 
>because after some more thinking about his and Thomas' arguments I find 
>that I still can't be convinced.

As with so much of RDA, alternate readings are possible.  The variety
of ways in which the same manifestation is described will increase

>Mac said:  SLC prefers to record the editors in 245/$c, but the
>contributing >> authors in 505 and 700$a$t.  Recording contributors
>in 245 can lead to their being confused with joint authors of the
>whole, and the first named being made main entry. > >I don't share
>these reservations.

Perhaps teaching cataloguing in library school there is better than
here.  ALA accreditation standards (ALA also accredites Canadian
library schools) require no particular skills to be taught.  Some of
the sample records we receive from prospective cataloguers are very
strange.  It's not the fault of the poor new MLS graduate; the
cataloguing courses are often not required, not offered every
semester, or are over subscribed.  In many libraries now, cataloguing
is learned on the job, which makes the situation in single cataloguer
or single professional libraries difficult.  I'm less optimistic than
thee concerning confusion.   I expect to see a lot of first named
contributors as main enry.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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