Interestingly, the responses (including mine) that said you either record just the first place of publication or all of them, is no longer going to be correct.

I just read this from John Attig's blog of the November 5 JSC meeting (

6JSC/DNB/3: Attributes of manifestations: Instructions for more than one instance of an element

The DNB sought to clarify the RDA instructions when there are multiple instances of an element, and the cataloger chooses to go beyond the core requirement to record the first instance: Does RDA expect that the cataloger either must record only the first instance or must record all instances ("all or nothing") or does RDA allow the cataloger to record additional instances selectively ("shopping-cart")? The JSC agreed to the statement (to be included in RDA 0.6.1) that "Only one instance of a core element is required. Subsequent instances are optional." -- i.e., the JSC opted for the "shopping-cart" approach. The JSC did not agree to the proposals to change specific instructions from "if there is more than one statement..." to "if more than one statement is recorded"; two instances that already say "if more than one statement is recorded" ( and will be revised.

Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-8409
(206) 685-8782 fax

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