If the cost of changing that awful legacy data is prohibitively high, what good 
are all the wonderful things that cannot be fully implemented. Price change is 
one thing, product changes another. If the Toolkit continues to be unfinished, 
unstable, untried, what's to say how much, or little it may be worth when all 
is said and done. 
Same copy of AACR2 which I held since 1978, I still hold, and can still consult 
for records that are AACR2 compliant. When divided by 35 years, cost per year 
is low indeed. Information gleaned only awhile ago from the Toolkit may be 
changed already. Thus true cost of it, with its rate of obsolescence, is high 
Franciscan University of Steubenville

>>> James Weinheimer <weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com> 11/22/2013 1:02 PM >>>
On 11/22/2013 4:29 PM, Abbas, June M. wrote:

I would also like to note that LIS schools will now be charged for access to 
the Toolkit. In my case this will make it very difficult to provide access to 
the Toolkit for my students. I am not sure why ALA Publishing decided to 
require LIS schools to purchase access but I know I will have to find 
alternative ways to provide access for my students.

Well, I guess your students will come to understand the term "monopoly".

Of course, when the time comes for retrospective conversion of the millions of 
records in that awful, terrible "legacy data" to update the relators and 
relationships, *that* is when libraries will see the major costs.

And I am sure there will be other sundry costs thrown in along the way.
James Weinheimer weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com 
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