On Sunday 13 January 2008 15:13:30 Lexje wrote:
> I'm trying to backup a complete server over the internet.
> Is it possible to pause, stop / restart rdiff-backup? (To free up / respect
> bandwith limitations)
> What happens if I just ctrl-c the process, and then restart the process?
> Will it resume?

No, I'm afraid that approach won't work. If you abort rdiff-backup halfway 
you'll simply end up with a broken repository on the destination.

If this happens on the first backup you'll simply have to remove/empty your 
destination directory and begin from scratch. If you abort a backup to an 
existing repository your next run will start by calling an 
automatic --check-destination-dir, which will return your repository to the 
state it was in before your interrupted transfer. In none of the cases the 
interrupted transfer will have done you any good.

What you can try, if you have enough free space, is to run rdiff-backup 
against a local destination and then rsync the repository to its remote 
location.  Rsync you can always trust to resume properly :-)

Feel free to take a look at this page in the wiki. It also provides a script 
which wraps rdiff-backup and rsync into one.


Andreas Olsson

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