On Sunday 13 January 2008 23:50:56 Lexje wrote:
> Thanks a lot, for your tip.
> Are you aware of any similar method that would allow scheduling and resume?

Well, I'm not sure if I have any elegant or good solution. What should work 
thought is to have cron run scripts which will first start and then later 
brutally kill your rsync-process.

// Andreas

> Andreas Olsson-4 wrote:
> > On Sunday 13 January 2008 15:13:30 Lexje wrote:
> >> I'm trying to backup a complete server over the internet.
> >> Is it possible to pause, stop / restart rdiff-backup? (To free up /
> >> respect
> >> bandwith limitations)
> >>
> >> What happens if I just ctrl-c the process, and then restart the process?
> >> Will it resume?
> >
> > No, I'm afraid that approach won't work. If you abort rdiff-backup
> > halfway you'll simply end up with a broken repository on the destination.
> >
> > If this happens on the first backup you'll simply have to remove/empty
> > your
> > destination directory and begin from scratch. If you abort a backup to an
> > existing repository your next run will start by calling an
> > automatic --check-destination-dir, which will return your repository to
> > the
> > state it was in before your interrupted transfer. In none of the cases
> > the interrupted transfer will have done you any good.
> >
> > What you can try, if you have enough free space, is to run rdiff-backup
> > against a local destination and then rsync the repository to its remote
> > location.  Rsync you can always trust to resume properly :-)
> >
> > Feel free to take a look at this page in the wiki. It also provides a
> > script
> > which wraps rdiff-backup and rsync into one.
> >
> > http://wiki.rdiff-backup.org/wiki/index.php/BackupUpOnUnreliableLink
> >
> > --
> > Andreas Olsson
> > http://www.andreasolsson.se/
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
> > http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/rdiff-backup-users
> > Wiki URL:
> > http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

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