
On 03/04/2021 14:42, Patrik Dufresne wrote:
> Hello Éric,
> Ok using this file to verify if the backup run without error. In
> rdiffweb and minarca, this is used to report the status of the
> repository. When ever the file contains something, this mean something
> wrong happen. E.g. lately, a customer backup is complaining about
> permissions denied on windows. 
> This is a neat way to spot those kind of problem and get them fixed.

I'm wondering because from my analysis of the code, not all errors land
in the error_log file, where they all land in backup.log resp.
restore.log, so I don't think the approach is reliable.

> So, I would say don't get rid of it.

That's why I ask :-)

KR, Eric

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