Dear Michael,

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 8:59 PM, Michael Banck <> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 10:12:03AM +0100, Greg Landrum wrote:
>> I'm very happy to announce that the next version of the RDKit --
>> 2011.12 (a.k.a Q4 2011) -- is released.
> I have uploaded 2011.12 to Debian now.

Great! Thanks.

> Several minor issues have turned up, I believe they apply to previous
> versions as well though:

most likely.

> 1. Running the test-suite in-place is either impossible or really tricky
> as the cmake puts the compiled objects below obj-* and leaves the python
> code (including the .pyc byte-code files) in the main source tree.  I
> had to give up and just copy over rdkit recursively into obj-*.

I'm not sure what you mean here. If you're doing an out-of-source
build (which it sounds like you are), then you need to do a "make
install" to get the built .so files copied into the $RDBASE/rdkit
directory so that the python tests can pass.

> 2. cmake clean does not remove the .pyc files it generated.
> 3. Some .sqlt files appear in Projects/DbCLI/TestData/bzr (after running
> the test suite I assume) and they do not get removed by cmake clean
> either.

Both of those are easy to fix; I'll do it in the next day or so.

> 4. The following files get generated during build and are not cleaned by
> cmake:
> rdkit-201112/Code/RDGeneral/versions.h
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SmilesParse/
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SmilesParse/lex.yysmarts.cpp
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SmilesParse/
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SmilesParse/
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SmilesParse/lex.yysmiles.cpp
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SmilesParse/
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/Depictor/test_data/collisions.sdf
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/Depictor/test_data/
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/Depictor/test_data/cis_trans_cpp.sdf
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/Depictor/test_data/first_200.sdf
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/FileParsers/test_data/outNCI_few.sdf
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/FileParsers/test_data/outSmiles.csv
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/FileParsers/test_data/cdk2_stereo.sdf
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/FileParsers/test_data/outNCI_few.tdt
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/FileParsers/test_data/outNCI_first_200.props.sdf
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/lex.yysln.cpp
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/Wrap/test_data/outNCI_few.sdf
> rdkit-201112/Code/GraphMol/Wrap/test_data/outSmiles.txt
> rdkit-201112/rdkit/Chem/

Up to this point I was fine, and can fix the problem, but this one:
> rdkit-201112/rdkit/
is in svn, so it shouldn't be showing up as something that didn't
originally exist.

> It could be this is due to how Debian runs cmake (we set
> not sure.  If not, I think cmake and/or (is the latter one even
> ran during build) should not create/modify files in the main tree, but
> put those under obj-*.

to answer the question that's embedded in here: no, is not
used for anything. I should remove it from svn.

> Anyway, I admit I haven't digged too deep into this yet, so I might be
> talking total nonsense.

definitely not. :-)


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