Dmitri,  if you import rdkit.Chem.Draw.IPythonConsole the c++ errors and 
warnings should be seen in IPython.  This doesn't appear to work on Windows 
yet, sadly.

This is enabled by the command

We are also doing a second pass soon to get better exception details in python 
which has been a pet peeve of mine for a while.
Brian Kelley

> On Jun 28, 2016, at 4:04 AM, DmitriR <> wrote:
> Hi Greg - 
> Thank you very much for the clear and detailed explanation!
> (and, now that I have a chance to say this, thank you for putting the project 
> together; being able to work with chemistry in the python notebook is great, 
> and having hooks into pandas is really cool)
> In this case I was basically just going through the example code and ran into 
> some behaviors that I did not understand (and you kindly explained). So it's 
> all clear now. Uppercase aromatic atoms in MCS output does appear to be a 
> bug; Hs on aromatic nitrogens I'll need to fix manually or with a transform. 
> ==
> Separately, on another thing that came up in my working through that data:
> I'd like to add my 2cents-equivalent of vote toward a bit fuller control of 
> warnings produced by the C++ backend. In that example's data I was getting a 
> lot of (fully valid, I think) warnings about stereochemistry, but I could not 
> do anything to catch or hide them - and in an ipython notebook, it can get 
> less than tidy. I did see this mentioned in other threads, so I understand 
> that logging is a known issue somewhere on the stack. For now I just clean up 
> manually.
> Thanks again!
> Kind regards,
> Dmitri
>> On Jun 28, 2016, at 1:39 AM, Greg Landrum <> wrote:
>> Hi Dmitri,
>> The results that come back from the MCS in that examples really describe 
>> queries, not necessarily stable molecules or things that can be accurately 
>> translated into SMILES.
>> I'll describe below what's going on to cause the error, but the more 
>> important question is: what are you trying to do?
>> In this case there are two problems. One has to do with the aromatic bonds 
>> in the SMILES coming from C atoms that are written as capital letters. 
>> Here's a simplified version of your example:
>> In [11]: Chem.MolFromSmiles('O=C1:[NH]:C:N:N2:C:*:C:C:1:2')
>> [06:43:37] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C, 5, is greater than permitted
>> If I rewrite the SMILES to have the atoms with aromatic bonds written with 
>> lower case letters everything is fine:
>> In [12]: Chem.MolFromSmiles('O=c1:[nH]:c:n:n2:c:*:c:c:1:2')
>> Out[12]: <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7f3204024440>
>> This shouldn't make a difference in SMILES, so I'm inclined to think that 
>> it's a bug.
>> The second problem was the missing hydrogen specification on the aromatic 
>> nitrogen that has an H (I fixed this in the SMILES above). Since the RDKit 
>> does not attempt to guess at chemistry, the general rule is that aromatic 
>> heteroatoms should have Hs specified if they have any. There have been a 
>> number of mailing list threads on this topic.
>> Best,
>> -greg
>> On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 8:26 PM, DmitriR <> wrote:
>> Dear RDKitters, 
>> I would appreciate any comments on the following:
>> I am looking at the 'SureChEMBL iPython Notebook Tutorial' 
>> following along with rdkit '2016.03.1' on OSX 
>> In Cell 142, there is this SMILES: 
>> MCS SMILES: O=C1:N:C(C2:C:C:C:C:C:2):N:N2:C:[*]:C:C:1:2
>> This is a representation of a generalized structure, not any particular 
>> molecule.
>> It was generated with Chem.MolToSmiles(mcsM,isomericSmiles=True) 
>> But when I try 
>> Chem.MolFromSmiles('O=C1:N:C(C2:C:C:C:C:C:2):N:N2:C:[*]:C:C:1:2')
>> I get "RDKit ERROR: [14:11:32] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C, 5, is 
>> greater than permitted"
>> So there is no "round-trip" possible here. 
>> Which behavior is "correct", given the aromaticity and structure as 
>> specified?
>> Should this be rendering/creating molecule, or failing?
>> Thanks!
>> (MarvinSketch does display the SMILES without complaints.;
>> image is attached)
>> Dmitri
>> <PastedGraphic-3.png>
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