On 09/08/2016 02:26 PM, Brian Kelley wrote:
> Dimitri, Hs are removed.
> Their is a removeHs argument in MolFromMolBlock (python) that defaults to
> true.
> There is a corollary in SDMolSupplier if you are using that.
> supplier = SDMolSupplier(filename, removeHs=false)
> if this helps.

Thank you, it does:
rdkit.Chem.SupplierFromFilename(sys.argv[1], removeHs = False ).next()
returns a molecule with -- presumably "physical" -- hydrogens.

The reason I ask is if they're removed and re-added, I'd worry about
their indexes matching what's in the source file. Which might matter in
the case of e.g. stereospecifically assigned methylene protons. (Or so
they tell me ;)

Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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