
First off, thanks very much for the speedy and helpful response. I apologize 
for not getting back and thanking you sooner. It was midterm time and I haven't 
had much time for anything besides studying.

As for your suggestion, installing the rdkit-postgresql cartridge with conda 
worked fine in a linux environment.

Thanks again,

Larson Danes

From: Greg Landrum <>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:49:23 PM
To: Danes, Larson
Subject: Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Issues with rdkit and postgresql cartridge conda 

Hi Larson,

On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 6:17 PM, Danes, Larson 
<<>> wrote:
> First and foremost, please excuse any inaccuracies as I am new to the world 
> of Cheminformatics. I'll start with some background on my issue. I've got a 
> MySQL database with chemical information such as CASRNs, Annotation Class, 
> and SMILE strings. I have a web app currently in development that takes a 
> list of CASRNs as input and performs an enrichment analysis on those 
> chemicals. The goal is to now take a SMILE string as input, query the rdkit 
> postgresql database (which will consist of a table with rows that have CASRNs 
> and SMILE strings) to find any chemicals that match the input SMILE string 
> over a set threshold. These chemicals CASRNs will then become the input for 
> enrichment and the rest of the app will be agnostic toward how the CASRNs 
> were obtained.
> I suppose I should say this: if the description above isn't something rdkit 
> is suited for and I'm totally off base, please let me know! As I stated 
> earlier, I'm new to this realm.

The basic flow you describe: search a database for molecules similar to a query 
and retrieve the results is definitely right inline with what the RDKit 
cartridge can do.

> Anyway, the issues I'm facing currently involve the installation of rdkit and 
> the postgresql cartridge. I should say, I've tried this on both Windows 7 and 
> Windows 10 (work desktop in 7 and laptop is 10). So, the first question I 
> have is when running the command

This is the problem from which all the others stem: We don't currently provide 
conda builds of the rdkit-postgresql cartridge for any systems other than 64bit 
linux. There hasn't been a lot of demand for this and it's a non-zero amount of 
work to set things up, so it hasn't happened.

Do you have access to linux? The cartridge should work fine on a VM running on 
your windows machine (using virtual box) or using the new "Bash on Windows" 
subsystem in Windows 10 


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