I'd like to know where each atom in a reaction product came from, but as
far as I can tell, RDKit doesn't provide enough information. Here's what I
found out empirically so far.

There are four kinds of product atoms:

1. New atoms: atoms are defined in the product template without a mapping
number. These can't be mapped to reactant atoms, so there's no issue.

2. Unmatched atoms: atoms that were not matched by any atom from the
reactant template but were carried over to the product because they were
connected (directly or indirectly) to a mapped reactant atom. These have
the "react_atom_idx" property, which holds the atom index of the atom in
the reactant molecule. This is useful as long as the reactant side has only
one molecule; when there are multiple molecules, it is not clear which
reactant molecule a product atom came from.

3. Mapped dummy atoms: atoms which are defined as dummies in the product
template and have a mapping number (e.g., [*:1]). These also get a
"react_atom_idx" property, as well as an "old_mapno" property which holds
the mapping number (1 for [*:1])

4. Mapped non-dummy atoms: atoms which are NOT defined as dummies in the
product template and have a mapping number (e.g., [C:1]).  These have
but no "react_atom_idx".

One thing I tried was to add my own unique atom identifier property to all
reactant atoms before applying the reaction, but that didn't help because
mapped atoms (types 3 and 4) don't preserve user properties (I guess these
atoms are seen as "replacements" for the atoms they mapped, rather than

I'd be willing to hack the RDKit source code if necessary and contribute my
changes, but before starting such a project I'd like to hear if it's

One possibility would be to preserve user properties for mapped atoms.

Alternatively we could add react_atom_idx to mapped non-dummy atoms, and
also add a new "react_mol_idx" property?

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