That solves the problem.

Thank you.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 11:32 PM Guillaume GODIN <> wrote:

> Dear Nimal,
> You are using atoms to enumerate bonds and a bond has 2 atoms so the
> number of bonds are not the real ones.
> Use this instead :
> for bond in molecule.GetBonds()
>        bond.GetBondType() == …
> best regards,
> Guillaume
> *De : *nCloud <>
> *Date : *mardi, 28 avril 2020 à 05:06
> *À : *"" <
> *Objet : *[*External*] [Rdkit-discuss] Uniqueness of bonds
> Hi RDKiters,
> I recently started using this wonderful package and I have been getting
> familiarized with many of its capabilities.
> The problem I am working on now is to determine the number of individual
> bonds in any given molecule. I am able to classify the groups in to single,
> double or triple and aromatic; however, it seems in some cases some bonds
> are recounted. As an example based on my minimum working example (MWE)
> given below; ethane should provide only 1 single bond (output also given);
> propane should give 2 single bonds, but every time an additional bond is
> counted. Another example would be of 1,3-hexadien-5-yne, which has 2 double
> and 1 triple bond, but the output has 3 double bonds.
> The problem, I believe, is due to the function I created does not consider
> the uniqueness of the bonds; how can the uniqueness of the bond be
> considered with RDKit?
> *MWE*
>  from rdkit import Chem
>  def n_bonds(molecule):
>      molecule = Chem.MolFromSmiles(molecule)
>      fuel_bonds = {'single': 0, 'double': 0, 'triple': 0, 'aromatic': 0}
>      for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
>          if str(atom.GetBonds()[0].GetBondType()) == 'SINGLE':
>              fuel_bonds['single'] += 1
>          elif str(atom.GetBonds()[0].GetBondType()) == 'DOUBLE':
>              fuel_bonds['double'] += 1
>          elif str(atom.GetBonds()[0].GetBondType()) == 'TRIPLE':
>              fuel_bonds['triple'] += 1
>          elif str(atom.GetBonds()[0].GetBondType()) == 'AROMATIC':
>              fuel_bonds['aromatic'] += 1
>      return fuel_bonds
>  smiles_test = [ 'CC',                          # 1. ethane
>                  'CCC',                          # 2. propane
>                  'C1CC1',                        # 3. cyclopropane
>                  'C1CCC1',                       # 4. cyclobutane
>                  'CC(C)(C)C',                    # 5. neopentane
>                  'CCCCC1=CC=CC=C1',              # 6. butylbenzene
>                  'CCC(CC)CCC(C)C',               # 7. 5-ethyl-3-methylheptane
>                  'CCCCCC=CC=CC=C',               # 8. 1,3,5-undecatriene
>                  'C=CC=CC#C',                    # 9. 1,3-Hexadien-5-yne
>                  'CC#CC#CC#CC=CC=CCCCC=C']       # 10. 
> Hexadeca-1,6,8-triene-10,12,14-triyne
>  for i in range(len(smiles_test)):
>      f = n_bonds(smiles_test[i])
>      print i+1, '-', f
> *Output*
>  1 - {'double': 0, 'single': 2, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 0}
>  2 - {'double': 0, 'single': 3, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 0}
>  3 - {'double': 0, 'single': 3, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 0}
>  4 - {'double': 0, 'single': 4, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 0}
>  5 - {'double': 0, 'single': 5, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 0}
>  6 - {'double': 0, 'single': 5, 'aromatic': 5, 'triple': 0}
>  7 - {'double': 0, 'single': 10, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 0}
>  8 - {'double': 3, 'single': 8, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 0}
>  9 - {'double': 3, 'single': 2, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 1}
>  10 - {'double': 3, 'single': 10, 'aromatic': 0, 'triple': 3}
> Regards,
> Nimal
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