I'm trying to use the MolDraw2D class in C++ to generate all the graphics
primitives for a molecule, which I then pass into my own graphics engine to
make an image.  I'm doing this by making a new class that is a subclass of
MolDraw2D, similar to MolDraw2DSVG, and overriding the drawXXX methods.

But I find that when I call drawMolecule on a molecule that already has 2D
coordinates, the lines that get drawn have all been rescaled and
translated.  I need to turn off this, I need for the coordinates used to
make the lines match the existing conformer.  I know this is somehow
related to the width and height used in the MolDraw2D constructor, and I
see that there are options fixedBondLength, fixedScale, as well as a
setScale method.  But I'm not clear on what values to set in these to set
the rescaling to 1 and translation to 0.

Jason Biggs
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

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