hi Tump,

There was a recall of the Flexnets due to them reseting at the end of the month, could it be that?

The main thing I"ve had is the control of the AGS goes bad for some reason. I have had no luck with "reseting" them, so I just replace them and send the old ones back for reprograming.


peltz power
On Dec 14, 2008, at 7:07 PM, Tump wrote:

L&Gs (ladies & gentlemen)I have a quad stack OB system w/ flex net DCCA & a mate 2. The Mate will lose the time & date settings repeatedly within a day or 2 of resetting it. I'm not on site, so I'm not sure IF all of the other settings get lost (I think not). Question; anybody seen this happening? Mate 2 is June of 08. batteries are fully charged when DCCA is connected. Any ideas?

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