I am doing an upgrade at a site with 16,  53 watt panels wired into 2
strings of 8 panels each coming into the controller at around 53 or so
volts. The upgrade is 8, 175 watt Solar Worlds at around 70 volts.
Here is the question the customer is telling me that he has seen the old
rack putting out more power than the new rack that is almost 2 X the size.
Both are side by side and nearly the same tilt, shading is not a problem and
the 60's were bought at the same time.
I have never seen this happen at the times I am on the site.

Has anyone else seen any weird problems like this? I have other sites with 2
or 3 flexmax 60's and this has never been noticed before at those sites.
I don't have any confirmation of this and have not called Outback about it.
Just picking the collective brains so to speak......

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