We want to see the certificate of compliance for UL and all the good
paperwork for power system electronics, especially offgrid. 

Most in the
Sierra can't get fire insurance so we build even better redundant systems
with that in mind. I do not care so much where the equipmens origin is as
much as the company behind it. I like it when a company diversifies it's
manufacturing to many countries.  

This plays really well right now in the
times of C19 and supply lines being strained. Trying also to keep an open
mind about the Chinese government. Weird how certain items have back-logs
also these days.  

Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
"we go where powerlines
http://members.sti.net/offgridsolar/ [1]
e-mail offgridso...@sti.net
text 209 813 0060

On Tue, 5 Jan 2021 08:56:16 -0500, Chris Sparadeo 
wrote:  I totally get that most off-grid jobs won't be inspected, however
isn't it still a good idea for components to carry a UL listing in the
event of a fire? It seems like an easy thing for a fire
investigator/insurance company to pick out, even if it was not the origin
of the fire. That's been a (perhaps self made) deterrent for me over the
years. Any thoughts?  
  On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 8:38 AM Chris Mason  wrote:
The Growatt inverters are top quality, they ship a huge amount of
inverters. They make US models in split phase. What happened here is the
client ordered something he knew nothing about from a vendor that also knew
nothing. I run into this all the time. That's what we get the big bucks
for. We buy a lot of chinese inverters for different islands. If we want
230V 2 wire to suit the island, that's what we order. In some cases we
order 120V, some are 240V split phase, and some are 230V.  If it's
off-grid, will there be a requirement for UL listing? I would not worry
about the quality of the inverter, they are excellent. I would worry about
the design. If you are not confident, walk away. You will be expected to
make it work or keep trying, and the damage to your reputation if it all
fails will be hard to counter. The client is never wrong.  
  On Mon, Jan
4, 2021 at 7:33 PM Chris Schaefer  wrote:  G'Day and Happy New Year's All, 
Just wanted to share this with you all. A potential client purchased a
somewhat complete system off the internet and is now seeking an installer.
I know, same old story. The package came with two Growatt SPF-5000 ES
inverters with two Huawei HW-TX-5000 transformers. The twist to the story
is apparently the inverters put out 230vac on a single leg and the
transformers are required to split the 240vac into two legs of 120. I've
never come across an inverter like this. As an off gridder the first thing
I think of is the inefficiencies of the additional transformers to do
something like this when we have plenty of manufacturers that don't require
this. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this setup and possible experiences
and pitfalls to beware of.   PS the client is kicking themselves in the
butt, lol.   Gratefully, Christopher--        

Chris Schaefer's
585-229-2083 or Cell 585-748-1870 
5115 South Hill Road [6] ~ Canandaigua
New York 14424
_www.solarandwindfx.com [7] ~ E-mail:
ch...@solarandwindfx.com [8]_ 

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Constitution, once said, "democracy" will cease to exist when you take away
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      Chris Sparadeo    
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