Hello Wrenches,

I have a new client that has ran a pretty decent wood shop for about 10
years on a Magnum 4448.  He's got some large loads, planers, saws,
compressors vacuums etc.  They are really nice, heavy duty pieces of
equipment.  Amazingly, the Magnum has been able to start these loads for
the most part for 10 years, but he has reported that it has gotten worse
lately (could be a load issue), brown outs, dimming etc

He wants to upgrade the system, get remote monitoring etc.  I tried a test
with a Sol-Ark 12, and it won't start these large motor loads.  I was a
little surprised by that but I know they aren't as good as the low freq
transformer based inverters at these surges.

I confirmed that its not just an overload from imbalance because the 240V
loads will also overload it.  I got an inrush measurement of 48.5A Ac @240
(but it didn't start the load before Sol-Ark would shut off)

What are my options?
Schneider XW Pro 6848
Outback Radian 8048 (Is this a low freq device?)
Sunny Islands are beasts but weird to work with and not user friendly

Any others I should consider?  He does have some significant 120 only loads
so I don't think the Outback vfxr are a good choice.

Is it as simple as saying if the Magnum can start this load, the Radian

I appreciate your input!

Mac Lewis

*"Yo solo sé que no sé nada." -Sócrates*
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