I looked at your python code:

1.  It seems that it currently doesn't handle ":" in the middle of a line, yet.

2.  It seems that multiple ": " at the start of each line are ignored,
and only the last one is used.  So the following is possibly (?)

define foo(bar)
: cond
: : meow?(bar)
: : : cat bar
: : woof?(bar)
: : : dog bar
: : else
: : : error 'foo "error!"


About ":"

How about this semantic instead?

":" introduces a (, and a promise to add ) at the end of that line.
It is like a limited $, except that $ will not wrap a single item on
the line (: will) and $ can cross the line end.

This localizes ":", meaning that we can use it this way:

define : add-if-all-numbers lst
    lambda : exit
      let loop
          lst lst
          sum 0
        if : null? lst
          if : not : number? : car lst
            exit #f
            loop : cdr lst
                    + sum : car lst

This seems to be a lot more readable, since the previous rule for ":"
*required* a lot more horizontal space; this time, it's optional (see
the arguments to loop on the last two lines for a good use of it).


When crossing line boundaries, $ does a better job than your current
":" idea, because it doesn't require keeping track of column
positions.  So I think $ should keep that job, and only use : for the
limited case where it's useful to only put it to the end of the line.

For example, say I'm debugging a long and boring stream function
(using SRFI-41 streams).  So I develop a "probe" function like so:

define-stream probe(x) $ cond
  stream-pair?(x)  $ begin
    display (stream-car x) \\ newline()
      stream-car x
      probe $ stream-cdr x
  else            $ stream-null

And I apply it to my stream code like so:

define-stream stream-map(f s) $ probe $ cond
  stream-pair?(x)  $ stream-cons
                       f $ stream-car x
                       stream-map f $ stream-cdr x
  else            $ stream-null

In the first place, ":" can't support the shown cond-pattern.  So
without $, it would look like (without probe):

define-stream stream-map(f s)
    stream-pair?(x)  : stream-cons
                         f : stream-car x
                         stream-map f : stream-cdr x
    else            : stream-null

With probe:

define-stream stream-map(f s)
      stream-pair?(x)  : stream-cons
                           f : stream-car x
                           stream-map f : stream-cdr x
     else            : stream-null

So, just to probe my code, I need an extra indentation.  With $, I
don't need the extra indentation.

":" can't be used here (using your current idea for ":"), since it
would require indenting even more than just using a separate line

"$" is surprisingly versatile.


A new synthesis?

Perhaps we can *keep* GROUP/SPLIT \\, SUBLIST $, and COLLECTINGLIST <*
*>, use the EXTENDPERIOD . a b, and add the new LINELIST :

Then we can do something like:

<* define-library \\ (amkg foo)

  . cat dog meow
  . whatever woof arf

  (scheme base)

<* begin

define : cat x
  let : : y {x + 1}
    meow x y

define : dog x
  woof $ meow {x - 1} {x + 2}



what you think?

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