On Tue, 19 Nov 2013 09:36:50 +0100, "Jörg F. Wittenberger"
 <joerg.wittenber...@softeyes.net> wrote:
> However I have a problem with another change: while all the Scheme's I 
> know process nested cond-expand forms I recall that srfi-0 explicit does 
> not requites this to be the case and suggest to avoid such use.
> Should be have these nested cond-expand's?

I would *expect* it to work, but I
don't see any information about nested cond-expands in:

John Cowan may know if nested cond-expands port in practice
(among systems with cond-expand).

> Also: often different Scheme's can share different code parts. Enforcing 
> a single cond-expand with nested cond-expands is not only against 
> srfi-10; I can foresee how this will complicate the code and require 
> quite some repetition and confusing logic in those conditions the 
> cond-expand's dispatch on.  Let alone that alternatives, which belong 
> logically together are spread around in the file.  That's a nightmare to 
> maintain.  Hence: I'd prefer to cluster all cond-expands at the 
> beginning, but have one cond-expand per dispatch reason.

Great rationale, makes sense.  Okay, we can try it.

My one concern is that we need to try to scope all of this
shim stuff so that it *only* affects our module.  Anything
we define here should not affect names in other modules or the invoker
(other than the functionality the invoker imports).

I will say that a nontrivial amount of the guile stuff is interrelated,
so I fear this approach may make it harder follow the guile portion.
But maybe not.  The obvious approach is to try and see.

---- David A. Wheeler

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