On 07 May 2014 21:48:45 +0200, Jörg F. Wittenberger
        <joerg.wittenber...@softeyes.net> wrote:
> it just occured to me that |* and *| might be good aliases to <* and *> 
> too. If { and } could be problematic.

Those would *look* okay but wouldn't work on many Lisps (Common Lisp, Scheme).
The "|" introduces a literal atom on many Lisps.

> Just: those in turn... hm, does the sweet read code actually rely on the 
> read implementation of the underlying Scheme? I had the impression that it 
> would read char by char anyway.

There are currently at least 3 current implementations of sweet-expression 
1. The Scheme one (tested mostly with guile)
2. Common Lisp
3. ANTLR/Java implementation (primarily for grammar analysis).

Anyone can always implement another.  We want it to be as easy as possible
to implement it, while limiting the difficulties of doing so.

--- David A. Wheeler

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