>I suppose I could define a function that swaps the first 2 arguments
>evaluates.  In newlisp, this won't cause any slowdown.

Curly-infix does a little more than that. Feel free to steal its code, it is 
under the MIT license.

If there are only three arguments, then it does indeed just swapped the first 
two arguments. However, if there are an odd number of arguments, where the 
number of arguments are three or more, and the even arguments are all 
identical, then the one even argument is the front and the rest are the final 
arguments. This lets you do things like this:

{a + b + c + {d * e }}

>ColorForth distinguishes between immediate and compiled words
> ... be
>nice to
>have that distinction in Lisp.

I've used several Forths and I own the book "Starting Forth".

Forth and Lisp are radically different.  That said, lisp does have ways to 
distinguish between actions taken while reading code, macros, and normal code.  
Scheme does not have a standard way to adjust the readtable (to control what 
happens while reading an expression) but common lisp does.  Common Lisp also 
has eval-when:

I think that controlling infix is much better if handled by the reader in lisp.

--- David A.Wheeler

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