On Saturday 12 May 2007 15:55, Alan wrote:
> I am having a big problem getting rebol CGI working on my apache server.
> I've followed the three CGI tutorials on rebol's site including the one
> specific to this problem but I can't get it to work.
> When I try to run a script from the browser nothing happens but it does not
> give an error. It looks like it's stuck in a loop or continuing to search
> for a page.
> I'm using the latest version of Apache and latest version of view. Apache
> is a fresh install so there are no crazy configs in there.
 Hi Alan:
 Let's try something really simple:
First, you need something like this:
On linux, it is
#!/usr/bin/rebol -cs
;; that's linux, but you will provide the path to your windows rebol 
It's been a while since I've used rebol on windows, but I presume
 it might look something like this:

#!c:\path\to\rebol.exe -cs
Next, a rebol block
;; an empty block will work
;; now a content-type:
print "Content-Type: text/html^/"
;; Announce yourself to the world
print "HOWDY"
The first thing to do is actually run the script directly from DOS, 
that is, command.com or cmd.exe to see if there are any errors
regarding the path or the syntax of the script.
If there are no errors, then try it as a URL, if you _don't_ get
a "NOT FOUND" error, you know the URL is good.
If the process continues to hang, it just might be apache, not
your script. Have you looked at the apache error log?


Palmer, Alaska, USA
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