* david may <david.ma...@ntlworld.com> [090829 13:14]:
> do many people use it today ?, or are most people on the net still
> advocating and writing Python or indeed anything But rebol for their
> and the majority of average peoples GUI video related scripting needs
> today!
  I prefer rebol for much of what I do - but read on: 

  Not meant to be an argument but a statement of policy. My
  company's mission statement is about open source.  Based on the
  more proprietory nature of the vid dialect, I have never used
  rebol/view.  in the 10 years that I have been programming in
  rebol. Just rebol/core. My partner and I have agreed that we will
  use open source libraries for GUI applications. Therefore, it is
  in our agreement that he (primarily a perl programmer) and I
  (rebol, python, newlisp, javascript) will use (as an example
  TKinter). And we've done precious little of that since we have
  found (for our work) that html and javascript and CGI can do what
  we need to do for our customers, in terms of interfaces.

  I have no argument with the rebol components that are closed
  source. That is Carl Sassenrath's Business plan :) and that's his
  business. But my business is with Open Source as much as is
  possible. I can recall some pretty spirited ( :) but never
  mean-spirited) exchanges on the topic of Open Source here on this
  ML. I'm just happy to have rebol for the uses that I put it to.
  It is a thing of beauty.

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