warning before you all read, this is going to be long since i am writing this 
to several lists.  i know, i should cut and paste, but with so much to share 
and so little time, please bear with me.  just skim over if you wish, smiles
anyway, we have gotten better for the most part with this cold.  my children 
finally are much better.  anna-lynn now is able to eat and sleep much happier 
now.  She is now just trying to roll everywhere and she loves for me to hold 
her handns and let her stand up and she will shuffle her feet to try to move 
around, smiles.  she is grabbing ever more so at food and drinks now and always 
trying to put things into her mouth, yikes!!!
philip  is doing better, but still has  that cough from time to time.  jojo and 
matthew likewise.  philip is glad school is almost over and matthew is 
beginning to recognize more letters.  jojo is  really learning to put words 
together and make longer sentances.  he unfortunately cries very very very 
easily, but that will probably be something else for another post, wo!!!!
I have been doing better.  i have been sick also and this cold just seems  to 
keep lingering on and on.  evertime it seems like it is  leaving, it comes 
back!!!!  i have never had a cold that acutaly takes away my smell as well as 
my taste.  i can't taste anything so everything tastes bland!!!!  good way to 
lose wieght, wo!!!!!
this past week has been one heck of a week for us!!!!  besides being sick, baby 
being sick etc, we had a mess up with the toilet!!!!  i don't know if one of 
the boys dropped something in there or if something fell in there, but thursday 
is when it happened.  the toilet woud flush, but didn't do the tump thump sound 
at the end.  i plunged, i poured hot boiling water into it, i threw buckets of 
water in it in the hopes that whatever was stuck woul get unstuck, wo!!!  
nothing worked.  the bad thing was that it always tricked me.  the toilet would 
flush and seem to do fine and the next time, go back to messing up1!!!!  
finally friday, i took a spatchula and shoved it down as far as i could, wo!!!! 
 gosh, the things one do when one becomes a parent!!!  never thought i would be 
the prime persom to play in a toilet, wo!!!!  anyway, after a few good angry 
shoves, i flushed the toilet and it flushed right!!!  i was happy, but i didn't 
want to celebrate too soon, wo!!!!  so i flushed several more times and it 
worked.  never new that spatulas could be so useful to fixing a toilet, wo!!!!! 
 anyway, the toilet has done mostly good for the last few days!!!
yesterday, we tookk the children to the church bazzoar.  while we were headed 
there, it suddenly started to rain.  that came as a surprised because they 
thought we would only have a 30 percent chance of rain, wo.  seems when they 
don't expect it, it really comes and surprises one and all, ,wo.  anyway, by 
the time we arrived, it had tappered off for the most part.  it wa nice.  i 
found a lot of good deals.  i bought  several shirts and shorts for the boys 
and a few nice things for anna.  i bought a heap load of books for aobut 3 
dollars.  i think it was about 50 or so.  these are all children books, smiles. 
there was a horse there and jojo loved riding and petting the horse.  anna-lynn 
looked at the horse.  we put her on it, and she began to cry!!!!!  actually, it 
is a minature horse.  anyway, we took her off the horese and tried to  get ehr 
to pet the horse, but she wouldn't go for it at all!!!!  she also didnn't want 
anything to do with the puppy there either!!!!  i guess she says anything that 
is furry and has 4 feet and moves can not be trusted, wo!!!!
ok, i think that is for now.  oh yes, jojo calls a pony a pody, smiles.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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